One of the most fun interviews I’ve conducted recently was with a hung-over Patrick Carney, drummer for The Black Keys and architect of the new band called …Drummer! The good news? Drummer rocks, and The Black Keys are finishing up their next album.
The bad news? Sleater-Kinney’s condoms can ruin your love life.
As the powerhouse drummer for Ohio blues-rock duo the Black Keys, Patrick Carney already has his work cut out for him. But he’s taken on much more, as the indie mogul behind Audio Eagle Records and the architect of Drummer, a group comprised of his Akron pals from other bands, who all at one point were actually drummers. (In the new band, Carney plays bass.) But it’s not really work, in the conventional sense, as the title of Drummer’s debut effort “Feel Good Together” instructs.
“My goal for the band is to have fun,” a bleary-eyed Carney explained to Metromix by phone, the groggy day after a birthday bash. “Obviously, if everyone literally feels good about doing something with their talent, then it’s awesome.”
But don’t think Carney’s side projects have taken away from the band that made him famous in the first place. In fact, the Black Keys are already working on their next album, the follow-up to their excellent 2008 collaboration with Danger Mouse, “Attack and Release.”
But Carney is an able multi-tasker, like the rest of his Drummer bandmates, who are moonlighting on different instruments and churning out atmospheric space rock in the process. We talked about that rock, Ohio’s underrated musical legacy, and how Sleater-Kinney jinxed his love life.
How’s it going, dude? You sound spent.
My dad’s 60th b-day was last night, and all of us got tipsy. I drove straight to Akron from New York City for it, so now my eyes look like I just ate a bag of crystal meth.
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