Greetings, Earthlings!

My name is Scott Thill, but you can call me Morphizm. I am a writer, editor, journo, coder, greenvestor and more, whose work has variously appeared in:

The Revelator : Civil Eats : The Guardian : Wired : AlterNet : Salon : Huffington Post : The Nation : CNN : LA Weekly : Cartoon Brew : Solar Energy : PLENTY : Filter Magazine : XLR8R : PopMatters : Truthout : Grist : Bright Lights Film Journal : AllMusic : IO9 : Mother Jones : Tribune Media : Discover Magazine : Punk Planet : Rolling Stone : Quartz : GreenBiz :

… and many more I should try to remember.

Most of my work is collected here on Morphizm — which I launched on the Fourth of July 2001, to analyze our hyperreal creep into the 21st century. They proudly stand alongside articles from other writers, some you may have heard of.

I’m currently working on some articles, music, books, comics, greenvesting and other things futurists do in their spare time. When they make the time to take their time.

Be seeing you.