Unhappy Halloween: COP26, DOOM
Hip hop legend MF DOOM passed away on a holiday that our superpowers would later converge upon a conference implementing an agreement to stop destroying Earth.
Hip hop legend MF DOOM passed away on a holiday that our superpowers would later converge upon a conference implementing an agreement to stop destroying Earth.
Good job, America. Our long national nightmare is over. Until the next one.
“I see this 21st Century malaise reaching its snapping point,” Rankin explained. “Last century saw the rise of innumerable idealistic movements. This traumatized world is the one we inherited.”
Twelve years ago, on the cusp of a new administration, I crafted a list to save the world from climate crisis. Here we go again (again).
The bad news? A decade later, Deepwater Horizon remains one the worst environmental disasters in human history. The good news? A decade later, oil is dead.
Marvel Comics may be trying to say something about how far America has fallen, post-Obama. But it’s hard to tell from the money.
Batman is more than capable of meeting demand across social, economic, political and cultural divides.
Which seams were splitting? Those separating reality and hyperreality.
“No matter which door he picks in this Let’s Make a Deal episode, he comes out a loser. It’s kind of awesome.”
Because he is unfairly lost to us now, all we have are mounting media replications to inform and console us.
[Greg Palast, BuzzFlash] For the two weeks before tickle-and-grope charges busted open on him, and before his resignation from Congress, our BBC Television investigations team was hunting for Representative Eric […]
[Greg Palast, Morphizm] In today’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Court ruled that corporations should be treated the same as “natural persons”, i.e. humans. […]
From economic misery and political impotence to environmental waste and social catastrophe, American culture is overburdened by nightmares. I wrote an acidic but nevertheless educational rant for AlerNet on how […]
[Greg Palast, Morphizm] I thought that headline would get your attention. And it’s true. I’m biting my nails waiting for the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election […]
“I’m bringing a message of peace, and I Think that’s what the region needs.”
[Naomi Klein, Morphizm] It’s time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement […]
I feel like a jerk. I wrote a hopeful piece about Bill Richardson, president-elect Barack Obama’s selection for the Department of Commerce, for AlterNet. Sure, it was also about Richardson’s […]
Let’s be real: Barack Obama can’t change the world on his own.
Just like that, The Beatles’ police protection disappeared, and the band was hounded out of the country, and roughed up along the way.
We are, all of us, a nation of immigrants, occupying lands that once belonged to someone else
Young People For’s fellows work for change from the bottom up. Get the lowdown on this generation’s budding grassroots leaders.
“ I studied journalism. I use comics to pursue journalistic ends, but at the end of the day, I’m a cartoonist.”
Who gets to judge you and the law? If you don’t know–read this
Money may not be ably to buy you love, but evidently it can buy you peace.
Young progressive Latinos are now finding strength within the halls of government and the streets of their communities. What’s coming next for the new generation of Latino progressives?
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