There are few things I love more than comics and social justice. One is the scoop, and another is a scoop about comics and social justice, starring one of the most insightful minds of this century and last. In the latter department, I recently posted an article at Wired on Alan Moore’s addition to Halo-8’s Occupy Comics project, whose proceeds are channeled to the Occupy movement.
But overall, I’ve been lucky enough to speak with Alan Moore at length for nearly a decade, and I’m much better for it. Whether we’ve talked about V For Vendetta‘s applicability in the post-9/11 nightmare, years before the Occupy movement, or his new book Jerusalem — which is longer than the Bible, for Christ’s sake! — I’ve always walked away smarter. Click below for details on Moore’s new Occupy Comics membership, as well as some of my past interviews with him.
V for Vendetta’s Alan Moore, David Lloyd Join Occupy Comics
Nearly 30 years after publishing V for Vendetta, writer Alan Moore and artist David Lloyd are throwing their support behind the global Occupy movement that’s drawn inspiration from their comic’s anti-totalitarian philosophy and iconography.
Moore will contribute a long-form prose piece, possibly with illustrations, to the Occupy Comics project. His writing work will explore the Occupy movement’s principles, corporate control of the comics industry and the superhero paradigm itself.
Lloyd signed onto the growing Occupy Comics project last week, as did Madman’s Mike Allred and American Splendor’s Dean Haspiel. Occupy Comics will eventually sell single-issue comic books and a hardcover compilation, but an innovative arrangement with Kickstarter means that funds raised through pledges of support can be channeled directly to Occupy Wall Street’s populist ranks now.
“It’s fair to say that Alan Moore and David Lloyd are unofficial godfathers of the current protest movement,” said Halo-8 founder and Occupy Comics organizer Matt Pizzolo in an e-mail to Wired.com. “It’s really amazing to see two creatives whose work was inspiring to street protesters join a creative project that is inspired by the street protesters. It’s a pretty virtuous cycle.”
Alan Moore Takes On the 60s, Superheroes, American Impunity, the Bible and Why Lost Sucked
Alan Moore Gets Psychogeographical With Unearthing
Alan Moore: I Don’t Want Watchmen Back
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