Are You A Vet? Work For Solar

February 28, 2014 Morphizm 0

Over 13,000 military veterans now work within the sunshine industry, comprising over 9 percent of its quickly growing workforce. Mission accomplished.

New EV Standard Boosts Solar Benefits

February 21, 2014 Morphizm 0

Our warming world’s citizenry starts driving and plugging in more and more electric vehicles into their greening homes. Should they have to worry about stressing out the utilities’ fickle grids?

Opower Tops Home Energy Management

December 26, 2013 Morphizm 0

Navigant assessed 16 home energy management vendors using a proprietary methodology, and found that Opower’s product suite put it well out of the reach of its nearest smart-grid competitors.

All Hail Sharon Jones, Unstoppable Soul Sister!

December 6, 2013 Morphizm 0

Although soul sister Sharon Jones is continually referred to as a throwback to a funkier 20th century, she’s here, now, and still fighting to bring more humanity (and less autotune) to our increasingly digital music. And we’re all the better for it.

Terror and Terraformation: Alan Moore

November 20, 2013 Morphizm 0

“There’s something quaint about these attempts to control us today, in a period where we are boiling with information and complexity, both of which have reached levels that could be called fractal, if that wasn’t a polite way of saying chaotic.“

Life To The Pixies!

September 16, 2013 Morphizm 0

Unbowed, the Pixies’ reconstructed band, and brand, now soldiers ahead with street and market cred to spare.