Who? The Guggenheim Grotto

January 29, 2009 Morphizm 0

Looking for some earnest, digital folk from Ireland? Check out these tender-hearted troubadours I review for Metromix. They make the ladies weep like Joyce would have if he wasn’t a […]

Pixies + Dali = ?

November 27, 2008 Morphizm 0

li news fit to print, but no love for the ears?

No worries. This fun mashup of the Pixies’ “Debaser” with Dali and Bunuel’s Un Chien Andalou ought to tide us over until Destino and Banderas’ Dali film hit the screens.

Jesus Forgives The Beatles

November 26, 2008 Morphizm 0

It’s nice that you finally got around to forgiving John Lennon for boasting that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, who we admit has a birthday coming up. But you might have wanted to pick a better time than the 40th anniversary of The White Album.

Rest in Pieces, Gravediggaz

October 31, 2008 Morphizm 0

Long before popcorn torture porn owned the mallrats or the Pentagon started contracting packs of robots to hunt down non-cooperative humans, Gravediggaz owned horrorcore.

Ask DJ Shadow Returns!

September 24, 2008 Morphizm 0

LONG BEFORE DJ Shadow became an electro-hop legend, he was answering questions online from scrubs like me. Where did you get the guitar riff for “High Noon?” Who the hell was Colonel Bagshot? Do you owe David Axelrod back pay? Then he got too busy to bother.

The Pickens Plan Sucks

August 26, 2008 Morphizm 0

Having your cake on climate crisis, fossil fuel addiction, eminent domain, water privatization and corporate earnings — and eating it too.

Nine Inch Nails Doesn’t Slip

July 23, 2008 Morphizm 0

Trent Reznor is a technological visionary, whose bold moves are shifting a bloated music industry behemoth to the internet. But can he still rock? I reviewed his disc for Metromix […]