A Lexicon of Disappointment

April 27, 2009 Morphizm 0

[Naomi Klein, The Nation] All is not well in Obamafanland. It’s not clear exactly what accounts for the change of mood. Maybe it was the rancid smell emanating from Treasury’s […]

Mr. Lif Walks the Talk

April 15, 2009 Morphizm 0

“Whether you’re a suit with a desk job or a creative artist, you are still programmed to work. You can never ultimately escape from your responsibilities.”

Happy Birthday, The Matrix!

March 31, 2009 Morphizm 0

The movie took cyberfiction staples like those found in William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy and mashed them together with anime, wire-fu, postmodernism, metaphysics, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulations, and a torrent of other texts and contexts.

Watchmen Tunes Merge Comic, Cash

March 10, 2009 Morphizm 0

The slightly good news is that some of the music that made it into the film, but not the comic, didn’t make it to the soundtrack. The bad news? Some lousy songs made both the film and the soundtrack, but never made the comic at all.