A Note From Pixies’ Black Francis

July 30, 2009 Morphizm 0

I have always been a singer, a writer, and a musician, not as a prodigy or as in a trade handed to me by my parents, but because of an inner voice or maybe a command from beyond reality as it is usually defined.

California Drought Threatens Entire Nation

July 23, 2009 Morphizm 0

The way California is currently wasting water — on elaborate lawns in Beverly Hills, on cow death-camps in the San Joaquin Valley, on whatever — it either doesn’t know where its water comes from or simply doesn’t care.

Currency Wars Coming Right Up!

July 22, 2009 Morphizm 0

It’s probably not the sexiest battle on Earth, but it is easily one of the most important. With the econopocalypse ravaging what’s left of the American economy and the currency […]

Pushing Forward Back

July 15, 2009 Morphizm 0

[Viggo Mortensen, Perceval Press] The White House wants to “look forward, not back”. That is the stated reason given (again) by President Obama’s Administration for not wishing to examine evidence […]

Happy Birthday, The Matrix!

March 31, 2009 Morphizm 0

The movie took cyberfiction staples like those found in William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy and mashed them together with anime, wire-fu, postmodernism, metaphysics, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulations, and a torrent of other texts and contexts.

Climate Change’s Firestorms and Deep Freezes

February 17, 2009 Morphizm 0

Those who would argue that these are isolated events do so at their own peril. The more time passes, the more both examples of extreme weather resemble two sides of the same fearsome coin known as catastrophic climate change.

Show Obama The Money

January 13, 2009 Morphizm 0

[Scott Thill, Morphizm] UPDATE: My fine fellow journos at the Huffington Post have syndicated this post there. Hop on, stir it up, spread the noise. “This disaster is not set […]