Happy Birthday, Batman
…the dark cipher who rises with our aspirations and sinks with our capitulations
…the dark cipher who rises with our aspirations and sinks with our capitulations
It’s amazing to think I’ve been interviewing Grant Morrison for over a decade now, having read his experimental comics masterpieces for much longer than that. It’s been deep.
“gnaw at the very roots of Batman’s being, fuck up the private lives of his friends and relatives, make him doubt his raison d’etre, set his postal district on fire and blow up his cave.”
DC Comics has lost one of its most influential tastemakers with the news that executive editor Karen Berger will be stepping down.
“Both dinosaurs and aliens can be seen as representatives of where we are as people right now.”
The New 52’s superstars — save a scant few, led by Grant Morrison’s Superman — seem happier being self-indulgent antiheroes than gods of Earth and space.
“I decided to treat John Lennon as a god.”
All-Star Superman is an absolutely refreshing break from that capitulation. Here’s hoping Hollywood is watching, and learning.
No one mashes science, philosophy and superheroes as well as Grant Morrison. And his years-long run on Batman, the most iconic human superhero of all time, is an object lesson […]
“Animation has always had the problem of being perceived as purely for kids,” Tartakovsky told me before Sym-Bionic Titan’s stellar launch. “I think things are better than a few years ago, but the stigma still exists.”
Stephen Colbert’s nightly merge of news, hilarity, social commentary, wit and shameless plugs for everything from his painting in the Smithsonian to his marketable man-seed have fully turned the pop-culture’s self-obsessed mirror upon itself.
Its revolutionary mix of geopolitics, sci-fi and psychedelia has influenced not just television, but also music, comics, film and more.
This list of five books and comics that may now inherit Watchmen‘s mantle as what Alan Moore called the most “unfilmable” texts around was a popular read.
The movie took cyberfiction staples like those found in William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy and mashed them together with anime, wire-fu, postmodernism, metaphysics, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulations, and a torrent of other texts and contexts.
From mind-warping revisions of comic book heroes in All-Star Superman, Batman R.I.P. and Final Crisis, to pop-cultural and philosophical exegeses like The Invisibles, The Filth and We3, brainiac graphic novelist Grant Morrison is a master of the Gordian-knot narrative.
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