Click the video at right, if you want to skip my pontification. But those of you who have kept track of my spiels for Wired on Stephen Colbert’s riotous A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! should feel right at home with the new entry, plastered to Listening Post last night. It’s the kind of post that can bring you joy in these times of uncertainty, as the nice readers at Digg have discovered. Smoke up!
Best Xmas Tune? Willie and Colbert’s Ode to Weed
[Scott Thill,]
A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All has redefined the holiday special for the new millennium. But it may also have redefined holiday songs for the 21st century as well, especially Willie Nelson and Stephen Colbert’s “Little Dealer Boy.” Think “Little Drummer Boy” 2.0, substitute the phrase “finest gifts” for marijuana, and you’re there.
Or better yet, just check out the video of the entire song at right. It’s a double-exposure romp that might make Jesus blush, if he wasn’t already rumored to have used cannabis himself. After all, as Willie sings in the duet, cannabis is a “plant that smokes more sweetly than either frankincense or myrrh.”
If all this talk of cannabis has got you in the mood for a smoke, then may I recommend that you give this video a watch whilst you light up. It will only add to the experience! If you haven’t got any cannabis to hand, then there are plenty of online dispensaries. Alternatively, you can learn about female marijuana and growing marijuana plants from seeds on the i49 website. If smoking such products is a step too far that you’re not comfortable with, you may want to try things like Bulk CBD instead, especially if you’re looking to benefit from the wellness boost it can provide, helping with everything from pain to insomnia.
If any of that sounds like something you’d be interested in whilst you listen to Willie Nelson, then why not check out some helpful tips about growing cannabis so you are not making any mistakes and messing up a good time between you and your Nelson music marathon. Maybe that could give you some ideas on how to use your skills of growing cannabis into a full-fledged legal business! And whilst you deliberate on it, you could also examine the examine the environmental impact of cannabis and ways you could reduce it.
So, why not! Get smoking and get your brain running about some ideas whilst you listen to some quality music.