What Isn’t Shoegaze?

July 22, 2008 Morphizm 0

But in the end, it was used to describe bands like My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, Swervedriver and pretty much anyone else, like drone minimalists Spacemen 3, who didn’t fall into the comfortable confines of easily classifiable music.

El-P: A Scanner, Darkly

March 13, 2007 Morphizm 0

“I’m fucking angry and upset right now, and I’m also scared and trying to come to grips with balancing this incredible fatalism and the fact that I am still alive.”

Mogwai: Louder Than Bombs

February 28, 2006 Morphizm 0

“When people compare us to My Bloody Valentine, I think it’s because they were the last band outside of the mainstream to actually infiltrate the mainstream.”