Climate Change’s Firestorms and Deep Freezes

February 17, 2009 Morphizm 0

Those who would argue that these are isolated events do so at their own peril. The more time passes, the more both examples of extreme weather resemble two sides of the same fearsome coin known as catastrophic climate change.

Sorry, Bill Richardson. My Bad.

January 6, 2009 Morphizm 0

I feel like a jerk. I wrote a hopeful piece about Bill Richardson, president-elect Barack Obama’s selection for the Department of Commerce, for AlterNet. Sure, it was also about Richardson’s […]

The Pickens Plan Sucks

August 26, 2008 Morphizm 0

Having your cake on climate crisis, fossil fuel addiction, eminent domain, water privatization and corporate earnings — and eating it too.

The Era of Catastrophe

August 12, 2008 Morphizm 0

Mike Davis is the planet’s coolest doom prophet. From City of Quartz to Ecology of Fear and beyond, he’s pondered various strains of the End Times. And now the the […]

Africa Is A Victim In Our Quest For Oil

July 15, 2008 Morphizm 0

The ecological impact has been felt in the Niger Delta, which is the oil-producing region. According to the World Wildlife Fund, it is one of the most polluted places on the face of the Earth.

Tomorrow’s Science Today

October 31, 2007 Morphizm 0

From wireless power to nanosuits that can turn anyone into Spidey and perhaps even to mobile solar, we’re on the cusp of massive scientific breakthroughs all over the place.