The Happy Hollows Cast Spells On Me

Led by unhinged front woman Sarah Neghadari, Los Angeles power trio The Happy Hollows make deranged art-rock with one foot in alternative music’s past and another in the YouTube future. I probed its sonic spaces for Wired recently. Rock weird, people, rock weird.

Happy Hollows’ Clever Viral Videos Cast Spells on Indie Rock
For a beneath-the-radar debut, Spells is a rough but seductive mash of noise, pop and adrenaline. The Happy Hollows’ tunes vary from cerebral goofs on sci-fi and palindromes (”DeLorean,” “A Man, a Plan, a Canal”) to raw anthems about surreal horror (”Silver,” “Monster Room”) and sex with Republicans who look like Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan (”Tambourine”).

Even the ax god Van Halen gets a love letter in the song “Lieutenant.”

“Eddie Van Halen came to our rehearsal space once and was jamming with the person in the room next to us,” Neghadari said. “Hearing him next door inspired me to write that song. We met him for a couple of minutes, and he was hilarious and wasted, but for some reason he was really upset that we all wore earplugs when we practiced.” MORE @ WIRED

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