Global Warming’s Catastrophic Polarities

January 29, 2010 Morphizm 0

Climate change deniers argue that the frozen storms battering America have nothing to do with the arrival of hell on Earth. But destabilizing intensity on either end of the weather spectrum is our new normal, and we better get used to it.

Can Aspartame Kill You?

December 29, 2009 Morphizm 0

Well, let’s start wrapping up the stragglers from my year’s worth of content, shall we? Starting with this investigation of the sugar substitute aspartame, which can either kill you outright […]

Devo Returns, This Time With Rugs!

November 4, 2009 Morphizm 0

“De-evolution seems even more a part of our daily reality than ever. There is more misinformation, humans have overrun the planet, and it is not nuclear bombs we must fear, but the human mind. Or lack of it.”

Obama’s Bad Influence

October 16, 2009 Morphizm 0

[Naomi Klein, The Nation] Of all the explanations for Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, the one that rang truest came from French President Nicolas Sarkozy. “It sets the seal on […]

Difference Engine Reboots, Recomputes

October 13, 2009 Morphizm 0

“A friend suggested the William Gibson and Bruce Sterling book title for our band name, and we immediately took to it, since it encompassed our sound, which is a blend of human and machine.”

Superman + Batman = Public Enemies

October 8, 2009 Morphizm 0

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies packs more heroes, action and political satire into a couple hours of entertainment than either icon’s animated series did in the course of several seasons.

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The Tel Aviv Party Stops Here

September 11, 2009 Morphizm 0

[Naomi Klein, The Nation] When I heard the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) was holding a celebratory “spotlight” on Tel Aviv, I felt ashamed of Toronto, the city where I […]